DMD 0.177 release [Length in slice expressions]
Andrei Alexandrescu (See Website for Email)
SeeWebsiteForEmail at
Fri Dec 22 04:03:18 PST 2006
Bill Baxter wrote:
> Andrei Alexandrescu (See Website For Email) wrote:
>> But if we made "$" into an operator identifying the last element of
>> _any_ array, which could refer to the last element of _the left-hand
>> side_ array if we so want, then all of a sudden it becomes useful in a
>> myriad of situations:
>> int i = a[$ - 1]; // get last element
>> int i = a[$b - 1]; // get a's element at position b.length - 1
>> if (a[$ - 1] == x) { ... }
>> if ($a > 0) { ... }
>> if ($a == $b) { ... }
>> swap(a[0], a[$ - 1]); // swap first and last element
> Please give some thought to the case where a and b are of types not
> easily characterized by a single '.length'. Matrix classes, or more
> generally multidimensional array classes being the canonical examples.
> For those cases it is desirable to be able to have a '$' with different
> meaning "per axis".
I did. The thing with language design is that it's easy to either
underdo or overdo it, and that where underdoing or overdoing starts is
highly subjective.
IMHO the current meaning of "$" is a good example of underdoing. The
"$expression" meaning "(expression).length" is (again IMHO) just right. I
use collection.size() all the time in C++, and scalar(@array) or $#array
all the time in Perl, inside and outside index expressions. So I'd be
happy to have that. Taking it to the next step of meaning any
subdimension of a multidimensional (or fractal, heh) structure is, IMHO,
overdoing because I can think of few use examples that are both frequent
enough and interesting enough.
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