D has low down to number 21!

John Reimer terminal.node at gmail.com
Wed Jul 5 13:51:31 PDT 2006

Jeremy wrote:

>> Um... maybe tiobe.com shouldn't be taken too seriously in the first place?
>> If we base D's popularity by tiobe, we are in for a roller coaster ride 
>> of emotions.  It appears to be a rather meaningless measurement of 
>> language use and an easily manipulated one at that.  Some people have 
>> already shown some examples of how to increase a language's standing in 
>> the list (as previous posts have mentioned?)
>> I suggest we ignore it almost completely rather than watch it with 
>> superstition. :)
>> -JJR
> Heh.. ignore it when the numbers are low, celebrate when it is high!

lol. :)

> Say what you want about 'the list,' but I'm sure things would be better (more
> supporters etc.) if we were ranking higher.

I have to disagree with that.  If tiobe.com is anything, it is more 
likely to be the effect rather than the cause. But no matter. :)

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