bcd.gen: A generator for bindings to C++ in D

BLS lietz at wanadoo.fr
Sat Jun 3 08:57:39 PDT 2006

Hello Gregor,
What about a timeout ?
But I guess you can not expect mercy. So what about porting libglade......
and of couse the gnomedb project ?
Hell, you have done a damned good job !!

"Gregor Richards" <Richards at codu.org> schreef in bericht
news:e5pss7$1l02$1 at digitaldaemon.com...
> It is now possible to derive D classes from C++ classes in
> bcd.gen-generated bindings.  This should open the doors to libraries
> like Qt and WxWidgets.
> My head hurts.
>   - Gregor Richards

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