New Swedish translation available!

pragma pragma_member at
Sun Jun 4 06:58:22 PDT 2006

In article <e5ugr4$vgg$1 at>, Hasan Aljudy says...
>Walter Bright wrote:
>> D website now available in Swedish:
>umm .. is that really Sweedish or is it a joke?
>It sounds very close to English.
>Try reading the following paragraph without looking at the English 
>version .. see if you can possibly fail to understand the meaning:
>It is nut guferned by a curpurete-a egenda oor uny ooferercheeng zeeury 
>ooff prugremmeeng. Zee needs und cuntreebooshuns ooff zee D prugremmeeng 
>cummooneety furm zee durecshun it gues. Um gesh dee bork, bork!
>soorrry, I cannnot helppp booot creeck mas-selif up wha-yel reeding zaat.

A closer look at the URL tells all:


- EricAnderton at

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