htod - convert C .h files to D import files

Don Clugston dac at
Tue May 23 02:48:22 PDT 2006

"I'm not sure how useful this will be."

That's such a typical Walter quote <g>. About as useful as a Ferrari 
that only works on roads, I reckon. Time to throw away my regexp billy-cart.

A perfect H to D converter is probably impossible, because #defines are 
so ambiguous. It takes a human who knows how the header file is intended 
to be used. However, it ought to be possible to construct patch files to 
apply to C headers prior to running them into htod. It also seems 
feasible in the long term to persuade some open-source projects to make 
their headers D-friendly.

I'm left wondering what this means for the Windows API project. I 
certainly would have done things differently, if I'd known this was 
coming. Where to now?

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