htod - convert C .h files to D import files

Rémy Mouëza Rémy_member at
Sat May 27 09:03:47 PDT 2006

>>But if that happened, things lke concatenation would cause problems.
>>#define FOO "foo"
>>#define BAR "bar"
>>   |
>>   |
>>   V
>>const char[] FOO = "foo\0"; //explicitly null terminate
>>const char[] BAR = "bar\0"; //explicitly null terminate
>>. . .
>>  char[] x = FOO ~ BAR; // Now it has an embedded \0 !

I thought that D managed the "\0" characters ( that was why we hadn't to put any
in our char [] variables ). Therefore I made the following test :
// constchar.d
import std.stdio ;

const char [] foo  = "foo\0" ;
typeof ( foo ) bar = "bar\0" ;

void main ()
char [] test = foo ~ bar ;

writefln ( test );
ray at Moonraker:~/dee/tmp$ ./constchar

Seems that there is no problem. I may have not understand something.

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