htod - convert C .h files to D import files

Rémy Mouëza Rémy_member at
Sun May 28 07:32:48 PDT 2006

In article <e5a6dp$ols$1 at>, Chris Nicholson-Sauls says...
>With DMD 0.158 on Windows, I got "foo bar" from this.  Note the space between.  Also note 
>that writef is written in D, for D, and therefore doesn't use null characters as 
>end-of-string (it relies on the .length property instead).  The big problem had to do with 
>sending these strings to C code, which /will/ see the null's as an end-of-array marker. 
>Try replacing your writefln with a printf, and you will only get "foo" printed to the screen.

Using printf with dmd 0.158 on Linux, I've got 5 spaces and then "foo". 
I guess that even a restricted use of the C preprocessor for our D interfaces
won't solve the problem since it seems to be type specific, will it ?  

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