DMD 0.175 release

Jesse Phillips Jesse.K.Phillips+Digitalmars at
Sun Nov 26 13:23:38 PST 2006

John Reimer wrote:
> On Sun, 26 Nov 2006 02:53:35 -0800, Kristian Kilpi <kjkilpi at> 
> wrote:
>> On Sun, 26 Nov 2006 02:01:34 +0200, Tom <tom at> wrote:
>>> Walter Bright wrote:
>>>> Tom wrote:
>>>>> Wow, a million bugfixes and a very nice feature... it seems that 
>>>>> you didn't saw the sunlight for quite some time. Thank you.
>>>>  This time of year, there is little sunlight. Nothing to do but work!
>>> Oh, I always forget that you people in the North don't have sunlight 
>>> during this time of the year. Here, in Argentina, it's getting hotter 
>>> every minute. God bless air conditioning :D
>>> -- 
>>> Tom;
>> You...! ;)
>> Here in Finland is indeed pretty dark most of the day. Well, it should 
>> be winter, but currently my thermometer shows +10 degrees of Celsius 
>> (it should rather be showing -10 degrees). No snow in the ground, and 
>> water is raining. In October we had pretty much snow (10-30cm), but 
>> this month has been so warm that even lakes in southern Finland are 
>> not frozen anymore. There is still snow in northern Finland though ( 
>> ).
>> Global warming in its work? :/
> If there's such thing as global warming, it's not happening here.  
> Almost -24 C right now.  Kind of chilly! :)
> -JJR

Well that is what global warming will do. With increasing temperatures 
the world has to correct it and thus it will cause a great decrease in 
temperature. Of course no one really knows as we have not lived through 
and documented such events from the past.

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