(Totally OT) Re: DMD 0.175 release

David Medlock noone at nowhere.com
Mon Nov 27 04:19:18 PST 2006

Lutger wrote:

> Don Clugston wrote:
> <snip>
>> There's a lot of junk science around, no doubt about it, in all kinds 
>> of directions. An interesting one is that a lot of air pollution 
>> publicity was funded by cigarette companies (so that people would 
>> blame their chronic bronchitis and lung cancer on environmental 
>> factors, instead of the toxic chemicals they were pumping directly 
>> into their lungs twenty times per day...).
> The same happened to research that denied human influence on global 
> warming - it was (partly) sponsored by oil companies. The effect of this 
> on public opinion was that it destroyed the image of consensus, making 
> it into a controversial subject. Even though only handful of (sponsored) 
> scientist deny the phenonemon as opposed to several thousands that more 
> or less agree, it still *looks* like there is something to dispute, 
> hence not worry about it.
Ahh everyones favorite whipping boy, the oil companies.

The Feds here in America make more than DOUBLE the profit on a barrel of 
oil than the oil companies do.  I would say this casts more doubt on the 
government than the companies.

Again whether its happening does not conclude why it is happening.


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