Tomas Lindquist Olsen
tomas at famolsen.dk
Tue Nov 28 21:50:57 PST 2006
Bill Baxter wrote:
> Tomas Lindquist Olsen wrote:
>> Bill Baxter wrote:
>>> Agreed. 'version' is basically just an emasculated special case of
>>> 'static if'. 'static if' didn't exist when 'version' was created,
>>> but now that it does, I think it would make more sense if version
>>> became a kind of static if with access to a special version
>>> namespace. 'Windows' should be treated like an alias for true if it
>>> is indeed defined, otherwise false, and you should be allowed to do
>>> boolean ops with any constant values in your program inside the
>>> version statement.
>>> --bb
>> I dont think a version statement should be able to access anything but
>> versions. besides that I agree!
> I could agree with only versions in version statements, but if so then
> there needs to be a way to define new versions from code.
> Walter's comment about defining versions for specific bugs is on target,
> but it makes no sense to have to specify every possible bug and
> workaround on the command line. The common pattern used in most major
> cross-platform toolkits that deal with these issues is to have some sort
> of platform include that basically does things like:
> #ifdef WINDOWS
> ...etc
> #endif
> If version acted like an enhanced static if then you could do something
> like:
> version (Windows) {
> const int BROKEN_THIS = 1;
> const int BROKEN_THAT = 1;
> ...
> }
> version (BROKEN_THIS) {
> // workaround code
> }
> In that case I guess version(/undefined symbol/) should evaluate to false.
> If you can't use const ints in version statements, then I think you
> really need to have something like:
> defversion BROKEN_THIS;
> defversion BROKEN_THAT;
> And while we're talking about versions, there also needs to be a sane
> way to check if the version of the software you're using is greater than
> some minimum.
> {
> }
> or even better something special for version numbers like or
> version(COOL_LIB_REV > [4, 1])
> version(COOL_LIB_REV > 4.1.0)
> Here's wxWidgets version macro for checking the version of wxWidgets
> you're compiling with. It should be possible to get the same effect in
> D somehow:
> /* check if the current version is at least major.minor.release */
> #define wxCHECK_VERSION(major,minor,release) \
> (wxMAJOR_VERSION > (major) || \
> (wxMAJOR_VERSION == (major) && wxMINOR_VERSION > (minor)) || \
> (wxMAJOR_VERSION == (major) && wxMINOR_VERSION == (minor) &&
> wxRELEASE_NUMBER >= (release)))
> Here's the full header that came from: http://tinyurl.com/tzbom
> Basically I think you can do all that with static if now. If version
> doesn't get some more smarts then I'm betting people will use static if
> to accomplish things like the above since it's the only way. And if
> people start using static if for version checks, well then what was the
> point of version, exactly?
> --bb
Read http://digitalmars.com/d/version.html#version : Version Specification
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