DMD 0.170 release
Tom S
h3r3tic at
Tue Oct 17 18:58:25 PDT 2006
Bill Baxter wrote:
> Bill Baxter wrote:
>> Is there any reason for not allowing a function to be used too?
>> Then you could also use a closure as the thing that does the iteration:
> Ok, I just realized that "delegate" can also be pointer to a non-static
> nested function... Duh. So my question should have been -- why doesn't
> this work?
> int delegate(int delegate(inout ElemT))
> reversed(AggregateT,ElemT)(AggregateT array)
> {
> int _innerFunc(int delegate(inout ElemT) loopBody)
> {
> int done = 0;
> for (int i = array.length-1; i >=0; i--)
> {
> done = loopBody(array[i]);
> if (done)
> break;
> }
> return done;
> }
> return &_innerFunc;
> }
> ...
> foreach(real r; reversed!(real[],real)(areal))
> {...}
> Compiles but gives:
> "Error: Access Violation"
> I'm not totally clear on how pointers/objects are handled in D. It
> looks the call to reversed() is maybe creating a copy of the data? If I
> put in printfs the pointer value is different from that of the original
> int[].
Basically, when you leave 'reversed', any stack data defined within that
function becomes invalid, as D doesn't support real closures. What
you're aiming for can be achieved without the new feature anyway, e.g.
import std.stdio;
struct reverse__(AggregType) {
alias typeof(AggregType[0]) ElemType;
AggregType arr;
int opApply(int delegate(inout ElemType) dg) {
int ret = 0;
for (int i = arr.length -1; i >= 0; --i){
ret = dg(arr[i]);
if (ret) break;
return ret;
reverse__!(T) reverse(T)(T x) {
reverse__!(T) res;
res.arr = x;
return res;
void main() {
char[] foo = "foo bar";
foreach (c; foo.reverse) {
Tomasz Stachowiak
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