One way to look at foreach as not so bad
BCS at
Fri Oct 20 10:15:07 PDT 2006
Bill Baxter wrote:
> Maybe I can get used to this version that works now:
> obj.each( (int i) {
> wrietfln(i);
> })
> But it just looks weird to have my loop body inside the parens, and will
> look even weirder if nested
> obj.each( (Obj c) {
> c.each( (int i) {
> writefln(i);
> })
> })
> It sort of looks like nested loops, but I just can't get excited about
> all those })'s screaming out "I'm a not a loop! I'm a function call!".
I'm not to happy about foreach_reverse (more neutral than anything) but
I do see a major advantage of both foreaches over the form mentioned above:
outer: foreach(Obj c; &obj.each)
foreach(int i; &c.each)
break outer;
continue outer;
any of the lines in the inner loop quickly become an ugly hack when the
user is writing the blocks as delegates.
> All that's just about plain 'foreach'. I still can't see a good
> justification for foreach_reverse. Reverse iteration just isn't common
> enough to justify a special case like that.
A templateized reverse iterator would be good enough for me.
int delegate(int delegate(T)) reverse(T)(T[]){...}
foreach(int i; reverse([1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]))
> --bb
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