New string implementation: dstring 1.0
Chris Miller
chris at
Tue Oct 24 03:48:02 PDT 2006
On Tue, 24 Oct 2006 06:20:44 -0400, Fredrik Olsson <peylow at>
> Chris Miller skrev:
> <snip>
>>> I agree that it should be putted in Phobos immediately! (Maybe just
>>> some optimalizations with string size could be added, so adding one
>>> dchar to char[] string will not cause conversion from char[] to
>>> dchar[], but rather dchar to char).
>> But then it won't be ultra fast at finding dchar codepoints.
> A little thought. Two bits are now used to represent the internal
> format, but there are only three formats available. Maybe the fourth
> format code could be "size optimal, but slightly slower"?
> I mean, just what else should quad 2ghz machines do? :)
Neat idea. Currently it uses that 4th state to represent an uninitialized
string, but that's not so important. I'll think about this.
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