Is DMD 0.166 RC 1.0?

Kyle Furlong kylefurlong at
Sun Sep 3 10:34:13 PDT 2006

BLS wrote:
> Well Kyle.
> D-Language -> D-Libraries -> D-Tools -> D-DeveloperSatisfaction  ->
> D-RealWorldApplications  -> D-Application-EndUserSatisfaction ->
> (Commercial) Success ->
>  D-LanguageEvolution -> (loop)
> So what do whe have  here : A  typical chaotic self-dynamic process.
> (Feature Freeze !)
> Bjoern
> "Kyle Furlong" <kylefurlong at> schreef in bericht
> news:edeqqn$2mbb$1 at
>> BLS wrote:
>>> Hi Kyle,
>>> Sorry about my ignorance. Not sure to whom your reply belongs. If it is
> me :
>>> The answere is :Not at all ! What about . DWT, DTL, some not yet written
>>> native libs, and of
>>> course the Java to D stuff.
>>> IMO Lib.-Development requires a lot of time. So wether Walter named 166
>>> 1.0 including a feature freeze, or  he decided to implement requested
>>> features until 1.0, again feature freezed.
>>> Bjoern
>>> "Kyle Furlong" <kylefurlong at> schreef in bericht
>>> news:edea7q$2858$1 at
>>>> BLS wrote:
>>>>> Hi Walter,
>>>>> I think your question  should be dedicated to the library developers,
>>>>> because :
>>>>> D needs more stable libraries.
>>>>> Library development needs a feature freeze so ask them what is needed
> to
>>>>> create well designed long living libs. Implement it and name it 1.0.
>>>>> Bjoern
>>>>> "Walter Bright" <newshound at> schreef in bericht
>>>>> news:edctpl$12jt$1 at
>>>>>> Any compelling reason why not? I know that everyone (including me)
>>> wants
>>>>>> more features, more improvements, etc., but nothing about calling it
>>> 1.0
>>>>>> will prevent that from happening.
>>>> /signed as a proposal
>>>> Kris? Sean?
>>>> -- 
>>>> Kyle Furlong // Physics Undergrad, UCSB
>>>> "D is going wherever the D community wants it to go." - Walter Bright
>> I mentioned Kris and Sean since they have some of the most extensive,
>> public, and mature library code in the D community, of course, this
>> doesnt marginalize the voice of other library writers.
>> -- 
>> Kyle Furlong // Physics Undergrad, UCSB
>> "D is going wherever the D community wants it to go." - Walter Bright

Nice break down, I believe it is time to move to the library building 
phase in earnest, so like you said, RC1 it is.

Kyle Furlong // Physics Undergrad, UCSB

"D is going wherever the D community wants it to go." - Walter Bright

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