Is DMD 0.166 RC 1.0?

Ivan Senji ivan.senji_REMOVE_ at
Mon Sep 4 02:32:33 PDT 2006

Walter Bright wrote:
> xs0 wrote:
>> This is almost OT, but for several Java coders I know, not being able 
>> to type
>> new int[3][4][5]
>> and
>> new int[][] {
>>    { bibi(), bubu() },
>>    { a+b, c+d }
>> }
>> made a _far_ worse first impression than the version number (as in, 
>> quote, "you're kidding, right?"). And it seems so simple to 
>> implement.. If you ask me, you really need to add those before going 
>> 1.0 (it's bad enough for Javans that Interface[] is not Object[] ;)
> My experiences with people who won't use D because it doesn't have 
> specific feature X is that they won't use it when feature X is 
> implemented, or when Y, Z, A, B and C are implemented. They're used to 
> the language they currently use, and will never change.

Oh no, not the same old story.

> We can easily get sucked into a rat race trying to please people who 
> haven't the slightest inclination to use D (or any language other than 
> the one they currently use).

This sure wouldn't be a good thing, but...

> I'd much rather work on the features the people who have *already* 
> switched to D need to do outrageously cool things.

I have been programming in D for years and I love it. It is just great 
how D does arrays. Well, most of the time.

We have such a great language that can do so many cool things with 
arrays. Yes but to be able to do something with an array you first have 
to create an array. And this task is incredibly difficult for such a 
basic thing in such a high level language.

Creating arrays and filling them with data sucks in D (I am saying that 
as someone who is programming in D (although not as much as I would like 
to)). I didn't just switch to D and start complaining that this and that 
is missing, my complaints (and of other long time users) comes from 
actually *using* D.

> You mean Java doesn't have free functions? No out parameters? No nested 
> functions? No templates? No versioning? No operator overloading? No lazy 
> evaluation? No 80 bit floats? No stack allocation? No structs? No array 
> slicing? No direct access to C? You're kidding, right? <g>

D has dynamically resizable arrays, you can slice them, pass them around 
without no problems, add extension methods to them, but you can't 
initialize them? Who is kidding here? <g>

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