cashew.utils.array 0.1a.2

Chris Nicholson-Sauls ibisbasenji at
Wed Sep 13 06:21:06 PDT 2006

Lionello Lunesu wrote:
> Chris Nicholson-Sauls wrote:
>> I've been pushing for some array utilities to get into Phobos, yes, 
>> but in the meantime I updated the array module in my personal Cashew 
>> lib.  Included in the updates are the rotl/rotr that I recall someone 
>> asking about.  In the process I've discovered two bugs, as well: the 
>> behavior of 'is' versus '==' is incompatable if the operands are 
>> arrays, and DDoc for abbreviated function templates is borked.  For an 
>> example of the latter, just look at Cashew's own docs.
> Nice.. I hope something like this will make it into Phobos at some 
> point, since everybody seems to have implemented these functions anyway..
> One remark though: your removeAll is pretty slow. It should be enough to 
> iterate the array only once. A indexOf that takes a starting_index would 
> be a simple fix.
> L.

True... and fixed.  :)  Functions indexOf, rindexOf, indexOfSub, and rindexOfSub all take 
an optional 'start' parameter now.  This effected the design of functions removeAll and 

I did, however, have to do something weird with removeAll.  It just didn't want to work 
right any other way... must play with it some more later.

-- Chris Nicholson-Sauls
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