Flower - announce and inquiry

bobef asd at asd.asd
Fri Apr 13 12:09:53 PDT 2007

I am not familiar with eclipse. I just use it for its visual editor for swt. I have this design in mind since the old days when I was developing akide, but I think yes, it is something similar.

BLS Wrote:

> Does this mean that you are thinking about something similar to the netbeans *platform* respective the eclipse *platform* ? using a plugin technologie based on DDL ?
> Bjoern
> bobef Wrote:
> > It is already a DLL. But since D sucks on DLLs and DDL is not working for me it is statically linked. The design of the program is modular. Everything is a module but I need some kind of runtime linker that will allow the plugins to use the same runtime as the host, otherwise they can't modify the UI directly. The design is as this. The debugger plugin is kind of general debugger. It need interfaces. Another plugin is the ddbg interface, which could easily be turned into a DLL (I mean a DLL independent of the flower framework), because it's whole job is to be a proxy between the debugger and ddbg.exe. The debugger plugin or the application knows nothing about ddbg. I forgot to mention but the whole thing is kind of framework. It is the base of the program. A framework for modular program. This framework will be released as open source when the API matures a little bit, but the plugins which do the actual work will remain closed for some time. But I will release one of the plugins as an example plugin. This could be the ddbg interface. We will see about that. Everything is too unmature now to tell anything...
> > 
> > 
> > Pragma Wrote:
> > 
> > > BCS wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > BTW how hard would it be to put the who thing in a .DLL so that other 
> > > > programs could host it? That might get you a lot of the IDE side for free.
> > > 
> > > FTW.
> > > 
> > > Seriously, this is an excellent idea.
> > > 
> > > -- 
> > > - EricAnderton at yahoo
> > 

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