DSSS and Rebuild 0.62 released.

Gregor Richards Richards at codu.org
Wed Apr 18 18:50:31 PDT 2007

DSSS, the D Shared Software System, is a tool to ease the building, 
installation, configuration and acquisition of D software.

After my recent newsgroup thread, a huge influx of tickets appeared. 
This release is to fix those bugs and add those features.

The changelog:
         - Added man page for DSSS.
         - Made --prefix and family work with relative paths (see ticket 
         - Rebuild: No longer links the same library more than once in a row
           (though it will still link it multiple times in total, due to
           complexities of Posix linking) (see ticket #39).
         - Rebuild: Made export_version accept an identifier as well as 
a string
           (see ticket #40).
         - Rebuild: Now closes the response file properly after using it 
           ticket #42).
         - Rebuild: Now supports comments in response files (see ticket 
         - Rebuild: Allow -arch and -isysroot flags on OS X (see ticket 
         - Rebuild: Added path= variable to config files (see ticket #29).
         - sources directory is now created during dsss install (see 
ticket #36).
         - Rebuild: Executable file name is based on the first source 
file, not
           the first object file (see ticket #44).

As per usual, more information and downloads are available at:
DSSS: http://www.dsource.org/projects/dsss/
Rebuild: http://www.dsource.org/projects/dsss/wiki/Rebuild

  - Gregor Richards

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