DMD 1.013 release

Roberto Mariottini rmariottini at
Fri Apr 20 02:13:12 PDT 2007

Walter Bright wrote:
> Bug fixes, some of them rather nasty.

 > Issue #1147: Typo in phobos/std/file.d: 4069 should be 4096
 > phobos/std/file.d line 1422:
 >     size_t BUFSIZ = 4069 * 16;

What about having some predefined suffix to represent common two's powers?

int x = 4_k; // == 4 * 1024   == 4_096
int y = 8_M; // == 8 * 1024_k == 8_388_608
int z = 2_G; // == 2 * 1024_M == 2_147_483_648

and obviously:

size_t BUFSIZ = 16 * 4_k;

This could prevent many typos.


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