Entice Designer 0.8.2 release

Justin C Calvarese technocrat7 at gmail.com
Sun Apr 22 16:11:51 PDT 2007

freeagle wrote:
> Charlie wrote:
>> DFL and Entice are really under-appreciated IMO , an awesome piece of 
>> work.
> I think this is because the project is hosted at www.dprogramming.com. 
> I'm not saying there's anything bad about it, but I think that first, 
> and probably the last, stop for any beginning D programmer is 
> www.dsource.org. That's why projects at dprogramming don't receive much 
> attention.
> freeagle

Well, it does have a dsource forum 
(http://www.dsource.org/forums/viewforum.php?f=39), but lack of exposure 
  might be part of its under-appreciation.

Also, I can't think of any other big projects that use DFL (other than 
Entice, of course) to add to its buzz. DWT 
(http://www.dsource.org/projects/dwt) has Poseidon 
(http://www.dsource.org/projects/poseidon) and rulesPlayer 
(http://www.dsource.org/projects/rulesplayer). And now Tioport 
(http://www.dsource.org/projects/tioport) is even been used to 
automatically create a DWT port. And Icequake uses DWT, too 

But I agree that DFL is really cool. I haven't used DWT any yet (even 
though it's been in development for years, I haven't been in the mood to 
try it yet), but I have used DFL some and Entice is especially awesome!

If it were cross-platform, we might be able to get Walter is endorse it 
as the official GUI instead of DWT. ;)


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