Descent 0.4 released

Ary Manzana ary at
Sun Aug 12 18:10:07 PDT 2007

Witold Baryluk escribió:
> Dnia Sun, 12 Aug 2007 15:30:55 -0200
> Ary Manzana <ary at> napisał/a:
>> The Descent plugin for Eclipse provides an IDE for writing, launching 
>> and debugging code in D.
> I just installed Descent 0.3 about 6 hour ago :) But easly upgraded
> to 0.4. Nice work.
>> The new features for this release are:
>> - Awsome, flexible formatter, almost as good as the one in JDT. This
>> was done by Robert Fraser, which spent lots of hours making the
>> formatter as flexible as possible. The formatter also allows
>> templates like for, foreach, if, etc., to be well formatted (in 0.3
>> they were not).
> It is great. It's the BEST formatter i have ever seen. It is _first_
> formater which is completly compatible with my coding style (JDT,
> CDT, gnu indent and many others always had some missing points).

Thank Robert. ;-)

>> - Better support for ddbg and gdb.
> More better. Now it is working for me (gdb with gdc).

Cool! Actually I've fixed it without knowing if it works or not (I have 
linux in a VM, but with Eclipse it dies)... So now I know it does work.

>> - Ddoc view. This is very helpful for ddoc writers to see how ddoc
>> will look like as they type, without the need to compile the file and
>> open a browser. Macros processing is fully supported, as well as
>> sections and code sections (text between "---").
> Useful. How about supporting this:
> /// Simple class
> class B {
> 	int x; /// position
> 	int y; /// ditto
> }

"ditto"s are also supported. If you position the cursor over y, in the 
ddoc view it shows "position". Is that it or something else I'm missing?

>> - Highlighting of all occurrences of the token under the cursor. This
>> is less powerful than the one in JDT, but in a future it could be as 
>> powerful. Also, Ctrl+2 Ctrl+R allows to rename in-line all of these 
>> ocurrences.
> Nice but:
> void a() {
>    int a;
> }
> int a;
> a = 5;
> ^      - puting cursor here, will highlight all "a"s. These feature
> needs more semantic knowledge. It will also be usefull in refactoring
> module.

I know. As semantic analysis improves (actually, starts), this will 
become more powerful, as well as other things. But at least for long 
names it has a chance to work.

>> - trace.log viewer: where you can filter function names, sort
>> according to different criterias, and show/hide fans-in and fans-out.
>> You can recursively expand fans to see theyre associated function's
>> fans.
> Very useful.
>> - Updated parser for DMD 1.020 and 2.003. You can now select the 
>> compiler version for each project.
> Great. I have some projects in DMD 2.x and some in DMD 1.x, this
> feature is really nice.
> I have problem with seting paths to compiler dmd and phobos.
> Binary is in /usr/bin/dmd and phobos headers/source
> in /usr/lib/dmd/src/phobos/{std, c,...}, and configuration dialog have
> problems with this.

I didn't know that. So I'll make the standard library's source location 
configurable if a guess fails. But don't worry about this because this 
isn't used yet. We've just started to work on it... You'll have to 
compile using an external tool ( ) or use 
the command line.

Thanks for the feedback!

> Thanks. And keep going.

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