Descent 0.4 released

Ary Manzana ary at
Mon Aug 13 17:16:47 PDT 2007

Robert Fraser escribió:
> Gregor Richards Wrote:
>> Ary Manzana wrote:
>>> The plugin still doesn't integrate with a compiler. We are looking at 
>>> the best way to seamlessly integrate it, so that compiling programs is 
>>> as easy as it can be.
>> [Warning!! Shameless plug levels at critical!]
>> May I suggest integrating with DSSS? This would make your job much 
>> easier, since you wouldn't have to worry about specific compiler quirks 
>> or differences in making libraries etc on different platforms.
>>   - Gregor Richards
> That's certainly a good idea. However, since descent will be internally tracking changes, dependencies, etc., I'm not sure exactly how this'll work I was thinking that DSSS integration for libraries, (perhaps even for symbol lookup if that's feasible - so if a user enters an unrecognized symbol, they could click a button to look it up in all DSSS-installed libraries, automatically add the library to the build path, and automatically add the necessary imports to the source file... libraries already on the build path and modules internal to the project and other projects in the workspace will of course also be considered, like in the JDT).
> Integration with the net feature would be even crazier. Imagine how awesome (if not _that_ useful...) it'd be to enter "IMG_LoadPNG_RW" or something, have a red squiggle appear below it, click three times, and have DerlictSDL-Image automatically be downloaded (in the background), installed and added to the build path, and have the import statement added to the source file. And with all that it would be trivial to have the IDE generate "dsss.conf" files.
> If you have the time, I'd like to meet up at the conference to discuss all this. That being said, this is Ary's brainchild, so I'll leave the final say up to him. Also, looking over DSSS, it doesn't seem to internally keep lists of symbols, so the IDE would need to be aware of the DSSS paths and keep its own symbol:module mapings, perhaps in the workspace directory.

I also like the idea of intergrating with dsss, but integrating with a 
compiler comes first.

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