DSSS 0.71 released.

Anders F Björklund afb at algonet.se
Thu Aug 16 01:18:52 PDT 2007

Gregor Richards wrote:

> DSSS, the D Shared Software System, is a tool to ease the building, 
> installation, configuration and acquisition of D software.
> 0.71 has a lot of added features and a few fixed bugs. It's an interim 
> release while I'm making lots of additions, so 0.72 should be chock-full 
> of good stuff too.

Seems like the "OSXUniversalBinary" docs are broken, I accidentallly
did an Intel-only version last time for the 0.65/0.70 release binary...

It works OK when using rebuild only (like you're not supposed to do),
so it should be fixable for the 0.72 release with the rest of the bugs.

# ./rebuild/rebuild -full -Irebuild sss/main.d -ofdsss -arch ppc -arch i386

# file dsss
dsss: Mach-O universal binary with 2 architectures
dsss (for architecture ppc):    Mach-O executable ppc
dsss (for architecture i386):   Mach-O executable i386

# ./dsss build -v -vdmd -version=OSXUniversalBinary

# file dsss
dsss: Mach-O executable i386

Will flag it as a bug in Trac, just if anyone tried to use the Mac
binary on a PowerPC Mac then you will need to build it from source...


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