DSSS 0.72.1 released.

Carlos Santander csantander619 at gmail.com
Mon Aug 27 08:46:36 PDT 2007

Gregor Richards escribió:
> Carlos Santander wrote:
>> g++ -g  access.o array.o attrib.o cast.o class.o compile.o cond.o 
>> config.o constfold.o dchar.o declaration.o delegatize.o doc.o 
>> dsymbol.o dump.o entity.o enum.o expression.o func.o gnuc.o hdrgen.o 
>> html.o id.o identifier.o impcnvtab.o import.o inifile.o init.o 
>> inline.o interpret.o lexer.o link.o lstring.o macro.o mangle.o mars.o 
>> mem.o module.o mtype.o opover.o optimize.o parse.o response.o root.o 
>> scope.o statement.o staticassert.o stringtable.o struct.o template.o 
>> traits.o unialpha.o utf.o version.o whereami.o -o rebuild
>> /usr/bin/ld: Undefined symbols:
>> VarExp::VarExp(Loc, Declaration*)
>> ForeachRangeStatement::inlineScan(InlineScanState*)
>> collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
> Well that's strange. I compiled it cleanly, from scratch, and had no 
> such issues. Are you compiling from the source .tar.bz2 or svn? If svn, 
> did you try 'make clean' in rebuild? Sometimes with big upgrades and old 
> ..o files it can get wonky.
> Mayhaps this is something unique to OS X?
>  - Gregor Richards

SVN. "make clean" solved it. Sometimes I forget to do that. Thanks.

Carlos Santander Bernal

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