BackMath: a compile time symbolic math lib.

Jarrett Billingsley kb3ctd2 at
Tue Dec 4 21:40:02 PST 2007

"BCS" <ao at> wrote in message 
news:ce0a33432689c8ca049e1da7fc2e at
> what I need is something that would work like this:
> struct S(alias r)
> {
>   real Get(){return r;}
> }
> void Do()
> {
>   real a;
>   S!(a) s;
>   real b = s.Get();
> }
> the issue is that the struct doesn't have access to the function. There is 
> no reason this should be impossible, but the semantics of how to make it 
> work would be a major project in and of it's self.
> If anyone can find a workaround I'm open to suggestions.

Ooh, I see.  Actually I think templated _functions_ with alias parameters 
can be called with aliases to local variables -- in which case, IIRC, the 
templated function will actually be instantiated as a nested function within 
that function, giving it access to the calling function's stack frame.  But 
you're right, this is incredibly difficult to do in the general case. 

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