std2 updated to DMD 2.008

Bill Baxter dnewsgroup at
Tue Dec 11 12:08:23 PST 2007

Aarti wrote:
> Bill Baxter pisze:
>> Jérôme M. Berger wrote:
>>> Hash: SHA1
>>> Bill Baxter wrote:
>>>> I've updated std2 (backport of new 2.x phobos goodies to D 1.x).
>>>> It's now in sync with DMD 2.008.
>>>> See
>>>> --bb
>>>     There's a wrong link on the wiki: std.slist points to the
>>> std.contracts page.
>> Thanks.  I think I'll just remove the link, since apparently slist 
>> wasn't supposed to be in the D 2.008 release anyway.
>> --bb
> ...And it seems that std2.string is almost completely commented out...
> Only unit tests are left uncommented :-)
> BR
> Marcin Kuszczak
> (aarti_pl)

The commented stuff is all part of std.string, which is publicly 
imported at the top of the file.

All the commenting makes merging with the latest D2 std.string easier.


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