D reached the "A"-status on TIOBE
robby.lansaw at gmail.com
Tue Feb 6 23:53:42 PST 2007
Hasan Aljudy wrote:
> Dejan Lekic wrote:
>> It happened!
>> I have predicted it 1 year ago - the D programming language will
>> become language of choice by the programmers community.
>> Now let's wait one year for it to reach the #1 place. :)
>> PS. More information on http://www.tiobe.com/
>> Best regards
>> Dejan
> What does TIOBE mean by giving status "A" to a language?
Bill Baxter wrote:
And for those who are curious what Status "A" means:
'If a programming language has a rating that is higher than 0.7% (yes,
this number is arguable but we had to fix it somewhere) for at least 3
months it is rewarded status "A"'.
(From http://www.tiobe.com/?tiobe_index)
D was rated at 1.205% this month.
The rating has to do with how many hits the language gets on popular
search engines.
I wonder how they make sure they're counting the right hits for things
like 'C' and 'D'...
subject: TIOBE "February Headline: Programming Language D reaches Status
'A' " posted a couple of days ago has some related info
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