DMD 1.005 release
Walter Bright
newshound at
Wed Feb 7 19:56:40 PST 2007
BCS wrote:
> Walter Bright wrote:
>> Yes, in the end, I think that's a more maintainable solution. You'll
>> find your core modules will become much more portable, and you
>> shouldn't need to edit (or even understand) them at all when porting
>> to a new platform.
>> If your job is to port the gc to a new XYZ platform, would you find it
>> easier to edit the long and complicated gcx.d, or just copy gclinux.d
>> to gcXYZ.d and restrict your work to just figuring out how to port a
>> few lines of code with (hopefully) well-defined behavior?
> And there in lies the primary issue I have with this approach. Say I do
> the above and then a bug is found in the system independent parts of the
> module, now I have to extract the fix from a fixed version and reapply
> it to my version.
> I am a strong proponent of the theory that you should never have two
> peaces of /Identical/ code (as in does the exact same thing). It's kinda
> sorta the Extreme Programming model[*] but that's not where I'm coming
> from.
If there's a lot of identical code in this approach, then perhaps the
abstraction layer is drawn in the wrong place. There isn't much in the
gc version api implementations.
> An example, I am working on a D lexer, it needs to work on 6 type of
> files ASCII and UTF-8/16BE/16LE/32BE/32LE. also to make things easier
> downstream, I have it convert all EOLs to \n. Well rather than write 6
> scanners, I wrote one that was templated on two types (I think) results
> in correct conversions. It is about 30 lines long and the sum total
> difference between the functions is the types on about about 3 lines.
> Now if at some point I find a bug, I fix it in one place and I'm done.
> The same sort of thing can apply to other cases.
Using templates is a great way to write generic code, but it's a
different approach than using versions.
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