Steve Yegge's rant on The Next Big Language
Jarrett Billingsley
kb3ctd2 at
Mon Feb 12 17:54:31 PST 2007
"BCS" <BCS at> wrote in message
news:eqq7nq$2tut$1 at
> Half?, more like one or two hard misses and a few more close calls.
Well let's see:
1. Object-literal syntax for arrays and hashes
Arrays? Yes. Hashes? no.
2. Array slicing and other intelligent collection operators
3. Perl 5 compatible regular expression literals
No. It did in a way at one point, but no one liked that.
4. Destructuring bind (e.g. x, y = returnTwoValues())
5. Function literals and first-class, non-broken closures
Function literals, yes; non-broken closures, no. How many posts have we had
in the past month that had to do with people returning nested functions? :S
6. Standard OOP with classes, instances, interfaces, polymorphism, etc.
7. Visibility quantifiers (public/private/protected)
8. Iterators and generators
Not in the way I think he means. There's opApply, but..
9. List comprehensions
10. Namespaces and packages
Package namespaces... yes. ;)
11. Cross-platform GUI
12. Operator overloading
13. Keyword and rest parameters
No, but what does he mean by "rest"? Vararg? That's a yes, but..
14. First-class parser and AST support
If he means "code modifying other code" then no, certainly not first-class.
15. Static typing and duck typing
Yes. (Unless some duck typing expert wants to correct me, I _think_ D has
16. Type expressions and statically checkable semantics
I won't lie, I don't know what this means. But it doesn't sound like D has
them since I've never heard of them.
17. Solid string and collection libraries
_Libraries_? Noooo.
18. Strings and streams act like collections
Yes, if by "collection" you mean "you can iterate over them."
So counting the ones that are partially yes as 0.5, and the yeses as 1.0, I
get 9. 9/18 = 0.5
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