DMD 1.005 release

Bruno Medeiros brunodomedeiros+spam at
Thu Feb 15 02:54:39 PST 2007

Walter Bright wrote:
> Don Clugston wrote:
>> Walter Bright wrote:
>>> Bruno Medeiros wrote:
>>>> Well, actually you can do that, with the unannounced (in the 
>>>> changelog) .stringof property ( 
>>>> ) :
>>>> ----
>>>> template MakeVariable(Type, char[] name)
>>>> {
>>>>   const char[] MakeVariable = Type.stringof ~ " " ~ name ~ ";";
>>>> }
>>> It's unannounced because it doesn't work right yet.
>> <trashes meta.nameof>
>> It was a piece of code I was particularly proud of. Ah well.
>> </trashes>
>> It seems that 90% of the metaprogramming code I've ever written has 
>> been made obsolete by being incorporated into the code language.
>> My 'workarounds' file went from 16 entries to zero.
>> But the ability to do it for an expression as well is quite exciting; 
>> it seems that this could easily supercede lazy parameters.
>> So I'm not complaining <g>.
> The big problem with .stringof is the following:
>     alias Foo.Bar.Abc T;
>     typedef int Abc;
>     const char[] s = T.stringof;
>     typeof(mixin(s)) x;
> s is given the string "Abc". So, when the mixin evaluates s, it resolves 
> to the local declaration of Abc, not the fully qualified one.

Erm, shouldn't T.stringof be "T" and not "Abc" nor even "Foo.Bar.Abc"?

Bruno Medeiros - MSc in CS/E student

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