DSSS 0.54 and Rebuild 0.12 released!

Gregor Richards Richards at codu.org
Mon Feb 26 13:15:37 PST 2007

Knud Soerensen wrote:
> On Sun, 25 Feb 2007 13:37:31 -0800, Gregor Richards wrote:
>> Knud Soerensen wrote:
>>> On Fri, 23 Feb 2007 21:02:01 -0800, Gregor Richards wrote:
>>>> This, as I recall, is the same issue you were having with DSSS 0.52. I'm 
>>>> aware of it, but haven't fixed it yet, sorry. I'm still working to 
>>>> figure out that bug.
>>>>  - Gregor Richards
>>>> PS: Does that only happen with dsss_test?
>>> dsss_test is the first packet I try to install after getting dmd.
>>> I have now tried other packet but most don't even get trough the compile
>>> stage.
>>> Maybe you should implement a simple error reporting mechanism 
>>> such that if a installation fail dsss report the error by  
>>> getting  a url http://www.dsource.org/projects/dsss/error?pg=dsss_test&err=65280
>>> in this way you can track the error in the server log.
>>> Knud
>> If I recall properly, you had installed DMD via DSSS.
>> I fixed a bug in that installation, could you `dsss net install dmd` 
>> again and see if that fixes anything?
>>   - Gregor Richards
> It does change something now it calls gcc like
> gcc dsss_objs/sss.test.main.o dsss_objs/sss.test.test.o -o dsss_test -m32
> -lphobos -lpthread -lm -Xlinker -L./ -Xlinker -L/home/knud/dsss/lib/
> -Xlinker -L/home/knud/dsss/lib -Xlinker -L/home/knud/dsss/lib 
> But it still don't work.

What's the exact response? It should find libphobos in 
/home/knud/dsss/lib ...

> Maybe you should try to remove the -Xlinker instead of adding more :-)

I didn't change the -Xlinker settings, I just changed how it talks to DMD.

> What do you think of my error reporting idea ??

I'm still tossing it around in my mind. Seems like it could generate a 
lot of spam ... about 95% of the "bugs" that are sent to me against DSSS 
and rebuild are actually bugs in the code or compiler.

This one isn't :-P

  - Gregor Richards

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