New Layout Wiki4D

Pragma ericanderton at
Wed Feb 28 09:51:40 PST 2007

Stewart Gordon wrote:
> Frits van Bommel Wrote:
> <snip>
>> Yes, the first thing I noticed was that the page should be wider, 
>> and use a larger font.  It only uses half my screen space with a 
>> rather small font on my monitor.
> Wrong again.  It should have no width set at all.  Fixed width layouts on web pages should never have been invented.
>> Looking at the source, all sizes are specified in _pixels_. This is 
>> typically a Bad Thing for anyone using a higher resolution than the 
>> author uses. It certainly is for me...
> <snip>
> It's nothing to do with resolution.  It's to do with basic accessibility principles and not disabling the means by which browsers implement such principles.
> Either specify font sizes in ems, not pixels or points, or don't specify them at all.
> Stewart.

For general site layout, I agree.  However, for columnar layout of content, fixing the width for content has everything 
to do with readability for the sighted - I for one have a hard time reading paragraph after paragraph of text laid out 
at over 1000px wide.  Granted, I could just resize my browser, but the effect is hardly the same.

The ideal solution is having paragraphs elements that layout such that they create natural (magazine-style) columns 
regardless of the dimensions of the page itself.  But I have yet to see that happen without constraining the page width, 
height or number of columns in some way, without resorting to javascript hacks. ;)

- EricAnderton at yahoo

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