Announcing a new library

Lars Ivar Igesund larsivar at
Mon Jan 1 11:36:28 PST 2007

Jonas Kivi wrote:
> Except for one little thing, that might not be a big thing, but I'll
> mention it early so that you can think if you want to react to this or
> not: There already is a project called Tango in the opensource world...
> See
> and they've even registered the domain name:
> It's is a project that tries to unify some conventions on icon naming,
> and it also provides style guidelines and a base icon library with a SVG
> kind of look. The project is mostly related to the Gnome desktop,
> although they are hosted by And they have pretty much
> established their name, and are well known by propably every free
> software person that I know of. They even use the verb "Tangofied" to
> mean that some application now uses icons that use the Tango style
> guidelines.
> I'm not trying to put you down, or suggest that you change your projects
> name, but I just want to make sure you know that the name "has already
> been taken". And that this might make it more difficult for your project
> and D as a whole to get recognized in google, and everywhere...
> Distinctive branding is quite important for any projects success these
> days (atleast I think so). But in the end it's your project and you make
> the decisions. I'll use it (if it's good) no matter what name you give
> to it.

We became aware of the Tango project soon after thinking of Tango as a name
for our project. I barely remember a rather short discussion on the
subject, where we mainly decided that the scope of the two projects are
very different (there's not really any possible conflicts if a project
decides to use something from both, and that itself seems like a fairly
unlikely event).

I personally think it won't be a problem, but wouldn't mind to hear other
responses on the subject.

Lars Ivar Igesund
blog at
DSource & #D: larsivi

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