DMD 1.00 - here it is!

Tyler Knott tywebmail at
Tue Jan 2 22:48:47 PST 2007

Walter Bright wrote:
> Tyler Knott wrote:
> I just like to keep a count of the number of downloads. If there are a 
> bunch of mirrors, it starts getting hard to keep track of. Also, dmd 
> gets updated frequently, and I'd like to make sure that people 
> downloading new versions are getting the latest one, not an old one from 
> a mirror that has been overlooked.
> But obviously a mirror would help for the moment. Could you stick one up 
> just for the next couple of days?

Alright, here's the mirror of DMD 1.0 and the latest DMC, with a hit 

I've got several hundered gigs of bandwidth this month so I'm safe as 
far as that goes.

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