DMD 1.00 - here it is!

Frits van Bommel fvbommel at
Wed Jan 3 04:46:25 PST 2007

Ary Manzana wrote:
> Thanks for outputing the imports on the -v flag. It will make some 
> things really much more easier.
> However, I tried compiling this file with "dmd -v main.d":
> main.d
> ------
> # import std.stdio;
> # import a;
> #
> # void main() { }
> (a.d contains "module a;")
> and I get this in the output:
> c:\dmd\programas>dmd -v main.d
>  > parse     main
>  > semantic  main
>  > semantic2 main
>  > semantic3 main
>  > code      main
>  > generating code for function 'main'
>  > c:\dmd\dmd\bin\..\..\dm\bin\link.exe main,,,user32+kernel32/noi;
> The imports are not getting printed. Am I doing something wrong?

It works for me:
urxae at urxae:~/tmp$ cat test.d
import std.stdio;
import a;

void main() { }
urxae at urxae:~/tmp$ dmd -v test.d
parse     test
semantic  test
import    object
import    std.stdio
import    std.c.stdio
import    std.c.stddef
import    std.c.stdarg
import    std.format
import    std.stdarg
import    std.utf
import    std.c.stdlib
import    std.c.string
import    std.string
import    std.uni
import    std.array
import    std.ctype
import    a
test.d(2): module a cannot read file 'a.d'
(This is on Linux)
That last line is to be expected, of course ;)

So either this is a Windows-only bug (the header of your post indicates 
it was made from Windows) or you didn't correctly install v1.00...

> I also tried compiling with "dmd -v -v1 main.d" and the same happens. 
> BTW, what is the "v1" for?

-v1 is what you pass to future DMD versions if you want a stable set of 
features, i.e. it should disable all features added after this release.
So, right now it shouldn't do a thing :).

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