DDBI gets MSSQL/Sybase support
fu at bar.org
Sat Jan 13 22:51:16 PST 2007
Brad Anderson wrote:
> kris wrote:
>>Brad Anderson wrote:
>>># import dbi.mssql.MssqlDatabase;
>>># import dbi.Row;
>>># import std.stdio;
>>># void main() {
>>># MssqlDatabase db = new MssqlDatabase();
>>># db.connect("server 1433","username","password");
>>># Row[] rows = db.queryFetchAll("USE dbname; SELECT * FROM test;");
>>># foreach (Row row; rows) {
>>># writefln("%-10s %3s %-20s %7s %11s %11s ",
>>># row["testStr"],
>>># row["testInt"],
>>># row["anotherStr"],
>>># row["flt"],
>>># row["smmoney"],
>>># row["smdate"]);
>>># }
>>># db.close();
>>># }
>>># Preliminary FreeTDS support (MSSQL, Sybase)
>>># * Only a few types have been tested
>>># o varchar, nvarchar
>>># o int
>>># o float
>>># o datetime, smalldatetime
>>># o money, smallmoney
>>># * As with all existing dbi's, this one only returns strings
>>># o so dates come at you like yyyy-mm-dd hh:nn:ss
>>># o there's a rounding error in money,smallmoney - can only
>>>get 2
>>># decimal places, should be able to get 4
>>># * No error messages are being presented to the user yet.
>>># o MssqlError.d needs to be coded
>>># o CS_SERVERMSG and src/ctlib/unittests/common.c look
>>># here
>>># * Bindings (thanks to bcd.gen) were for FreeTDS 0.64RC2, but
>>>should work
>>># across a wide range of versions
>>># * Within FreeTDS, the ctlib was used
>>># only tested on Linux - not Windows yet - give it a whirl and report
>>Nice work, Brad ... Any possibility of getting more data-types than
>>char[] exposed?
> Yes, it's being set up for the new Row object - I'm working with h3r3tic and
> void[]s to enable this.
> BA
freakin awesome :p
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