D Conference -- July Update

Will DeVore william.quartz at gmail.com
Sat Jul 21 14:21:53 PDT 2007

Brad Roberts Wrote:

> Several of you have asked me who all is going to attend.  For privacy 
> reasons, I'm not willing to release a list of names or email addresses, 
> but I will say that so far there's been 75 registrations (after weeding 
> out a few bogus junk entries).  That includes the speakers but does NOT 
> include any amazon employees who might attend.  So, there's going to be 
> quite a bunch of us.  If you haven't registered yet, please go to the 
> conference website and do so.  I really have to have an accurate list of 
> people who are going to attend to have badges made up ahead of time.

I registered a while back and haven't received any notification yet. I would hate to show up and not be able to attend without a badge. :)


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