A new emacs d-mode from scratch

Andrei Alexandrescu (See Website For Email) SeeWebsiteForEmail at erdani.org
Sat Mar 3 11:18:24 PST 2007

Bill Baxter wrote:
> Andrei Alexandrescu (See Website For Email) wrote:
>> Bill Baxter wrote:
>>> I made a new emacs mode.
>>> Here it is.
>>> For some reason I couldn't get it to show up properly on Wiki4D so 
>>> I'm attaching it here.
>> Cool. I tried it, but I get the error "Cannot open load file: 
>> cc-defs.el". Is that mode the C mode? But I do seem to have proper C 
>> mode installed.
> Missing cc-defs.el means you've got an old cc-mode:
> ;; cc-mode version 5.30 or greater is required.
> ;; You can check your cc-mode with the command M-x c-version.
> ;; You can get the latest version of cc-mode at
> ;; http://cc-mode.sourceforge.net
> I just tried the cc-mode upgrade out with my emacs 21.  Installation of 
> the new cc-mode is pretty trivial.  Unzip to a directory, add that 
> directory to your emacs search path, M-x byte-compile-directory.
> I did get some errors trying to do the byte compiling with emacs 21. But 
> I fixed em.  So after upgrading your cc-mode, try the attached d-mode.

Thanks! Works great, modulo the warning I get during compilation:

d-mode.el:266:1:Warning: defcustom for `d-font-lock-extra-types' fails 
to specify containing group

As we all know, it's best to compile with zero warnings :o).


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