GDC release 0.23

kenny funisher at
Tue Mar 6 05:33:12 PST 2007

David Friedman wrote:
> GDC now supports 64-bit targets! A new x86_64 Linux binary is
> available and the MacOS X binary supports x86_64 and ppc64.
> Changes:
>   * Added support for 64-bit targets
>   * Added multilib support
>   * Updated to DMD 1.007
>   * Fixed Bugzilla 984, 1013

super awesome! thanks david!

The annoying thing about this for me is as soon as I see this announcement, I want to write layman -S and get the latest ebuild of gdc. It seems like Anders and I are the ones who generally update bugzilla with the latest gdc release (coming soon, btw). Who would I email to get commit access to add gdc to the dlang overlay for layman? I have no problems updating these as soon as the new versions of dmd/gdc come out either -- as I notice layman is usually a few days behind.


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