Ddbg 0.0.4 alpha release - another bug report

dickl dick221z at yahoo.com
Tue Mar 6 08:59:39 PST 2007

Found another one... The debugger doesn't always seems to single step 
correctly. Happens with "in" and "ov" stepping. Steps correctly up to a 
point then the app runs to completion.

import std.stdio;
import std.c.string;
int main()
     //QSettings f = new QSettings;
     char [1024] Cmd;
     strcpy(Cmd.ptr, "Hello");
     printf("%s\n",Cmd.ptr); // have to printf 'cos writefln throws
     return 0;
}//end int main()

Debug Results
Ddbg v0.0.4.2 alpha - D Debugger
Copyright (c) 2007 Jascha Wetzel

->bp test.d:1
Breakpoint set: test.d:4 0x402010
ntdll.dll  loaded
KERNEL32.dll  loaded
USER32.dll  loaded
GDI32.dll  loaded
Breakpoint 0 hit
test.d:4 0x402010
int main()
test.d:7 0x402015
     char [1024] Cmd;
test.d:8 0x402027
     strcpy(Cmd.ptr, "Hello");
Process terminated

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