Ddbg 0.0.4 alpha release

Jascha Wetzel "[firstname]" at mainia.de
Thu Mar 8 08:43:59 PST 2007

i thought about that first, so i wouldn't have to patch tango.
the problem is, that the linker strips cr_trapExeptions from the exe
unless it's called somewhere.
one could call it in main to initialize the variable, instead of
initializing it statically. but that would require a change as well.
maybe it's preferable to not have another export, though.

it would be nice if you could submit one of the changes to the SVN.

Sean Kelly wrote:
> Jascha Wetzel wrote:
>> there is also a problem with Tango in Ddbg prior to, which i've
>> just put on the website.
>> To enable Ddbg to catch unhandled exceptions in Tango applications, you
>> need to rebuild Tango's phobos.lib after changing
>> in tango\lib\compiler\dmd\dmain2.d, currently line 83
>> bool trapException = true;
>> to
>> extern(C) bool trapException = true;
>> Here is why:
>> With the default exception handler in dmain2.d enabled, Win32 will not
>> report unhandled exceptions to the debugger.
>> To not require the author of the debuggee to manually change this, just
>> to be able to use the debugger for stack traces, Ddbg changes the value
>> of no_catch_exceptions in standard Phobos to true and trapException to
>> false before running the debuggee.
>> However, the latter is only possible, if the address of that variable is
>> exported.
> Okay, that makes sense.  I don't suppose it could execute
> cr_trapExeptions(false) instead? :-)

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