Flower - second preview release

torhu fake at address.dude
Fri May 4 07:17:36 PDT 2007

bobef wrote:
> This is second preview release of the Flower platform.
> Highlights in this release:
> The debugger is fully functional now.
> Unlike the previous release you may debug anything you want.
> You can drag the UI around and you are encouraged to do so (this is why there are empty splitters)
> Ddbg sometimes hangs when listing variables inside delegates so Flower may hang too.
> More info in readme.txt and changelog.txt
> Download: http://www.sendspace.com/file/4ijjdd

Nice work!  But I'm wondering how much info you can see at the same 
time.  A tabbed interface seems a bit limited.  A way to split the 
window to show more than one set of info at the same time would be great.

Something like msvc does would be perfect:

Maybe that's asking too much, it doesn't have to be as flexible as msvc 
to be useful.  And maybe this feature is already planned.

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