openquran v0.21

Aziz K. aziz.kerim at
Mon May 7 15:24:26 PDT 2007

Some people here might really wonder what the heck I was thinking of when  
I wrote this program. To me it's pretty useful in debates with Muslims  
when I just want to quickly look up a single verse or a list of verses  
 from the Qur'an. You can even search the 3 translations I included using  
regular expressions and fuzzy word matching. It will probably be not very  
useful to the majority here, but hey it's my first open source project and  
it was such a pleasure to write it in D. And I think the more people are  
exposed to working D programs, the more people will get interested in the  

There is one issue I just couldn't find a quick solution to. With some  
tweaks it's possible to output utf-8 on the Windows console (chcp 65001),  
but there seems to be a bug in the streams implementation of DMD. If I  
output something like writefln("δόφ"); everything that comes afterwards is  
cut off (the condition being that the font Luicida Sans Console is set and  
chcp 65001 was executed.) To circumvent this problem for the time being I  
included a batch file which streams the output to a file first and then  
calls "type tmp" to display its contents in the console window. At the  
moment this problem only affects the main help message which isn't shown  
fully because my name contains a "φ". This will also be a problem when I  
add non-English translations in the future (the 3 ones I included are all  
in English.)

Oh and before I forget it, thanks Walter for saving me from the horrible  
C/C++ hell!

PS.: I compiled the Windows binary on Linux using wine-0.9.36 and the  
Windows version of DMD. It should work, I tested it on WinXP once.

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