Deadlock presentation outcome

Pragma ericanderton at
Mon May 14 07:16:10 PDT 2007

Tom S wrote:
> david wrote:
>> So tell us, how did the presentation go? :-)
>> david
> The presentation went really well :) IMHO, we crushed all the other 
> teams in almost all aspects of the project. After the presentation, we 
> received congrats from many folks from the univ, had numerous new 
> beta-tester applications and lots of applause ;) Our project supervisor, 
> Piotr Rosiak also received congrats from other supervisors, or so I heard.
> In the end, it turned out that the jury didn't like computer games very 
> much... Maths doctors & professors == bad jury for a game programming 
> team. So we scored 2nd, after a project which basically combined some 
> GPS stuff thru bluetooth and Google Maps... Which, according to 80% of 
> my univ mates was... ridiculous.
> I don't want to sound like bragging, but I can sincerely say that we 
> created the best project, with lots of cutting edge programming, fine 
> team management, lots of coffee, 70k LoC, 1100 svn revisions and 
> eventually a really cool game. We only had about 20 minutes to present 
> it though. Virtually no one from the jury even peeked at the code or 
> understood what a 'shader' is or what Ageia PhysX does.
> One of the best things about the presentation was that we bashed C++ and 
> Java and got no strike-back from the C++ and Java zealots present in the 
> audience, including the lecturers. We answered all questions we were 
> given and certainly got some folks interested in the D language :)
> Currently we're going to catch up on some other univ classes and once 
> done with them, continue working on Deadlock, possibly in an expanded 
> team, as the course no longer limits us to 5 students.

Congrats!  I know you worked your ass off on this one.  Kudos.

- EricAnderton at yahoo

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