[OT]: Threaded posts, quoting

Bill Baxter dnewsgroup at billbaxter.com
Sun May 20 16:15:40 PDT 2007

Regan Heath wrote:
> Bill Baxter Wrote:
>> Manuel König wrote:
>>> I second this.
>>> Doing it this way 'in' also keeps its expressive character of saying 
>>> "Hey, I am only the input and not that bunch of scope const final!", 
>>> which especially makes sense when compared to 'out' in terms of data 
>>> flow. And dismissing all of 'scope const final' just requires you to 
>>> declare your params as 'in', which will rarely be the case.
>> Does nobody quote any more?  What are you seconding?
> Are you using a news reader which displays posts in threads?  When you're not it can be annoying to find a post with no quotation, I agree.

I use Thunderbird, but since the D groups have so much traffic, and 
since I read it from multiple different computers, I end up reading in 
sort-by-date mode so that all the recent stuff is at the bottom and easy 
to find.

Oh for the day when I can store my Thunderbird settings on the net.  I 
wonder if there's a Google Thunderbird Sync plugin on the way...


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