D Programming hits a German University

Daniel Keep daniel.keep.lists at gmail.com
Fri May 25 20:55:00 PDT 2007

0ffh wrote:
> Pragma wrote:
>> 0ffh wrote:
>>> Well, I suppose that is the danger of pure text communication, dropping
>>> all the secondary comm channels: A blink, a quick smile, whatever...
>> ;)
>> :)
> O RLY?
> Still: Those may be plain forgotten, as you have to will them explicitly.
> And even as they improve the situation, they're still not the real thing.
> Regards, Frank

Maybe instead of all this Flash and Silverlight and other pointless
"lock yourself into OUR platform!  We'll give you candy!" crap, maybe we
should invent EML: Emotional Markup Language.

<emotion class="hopeful">I mean, just <emphatic
style="hand-motion-style: exaggerated;">think</emphatic> how much <div
style="hand-motion: wave; hand-selector: both;">clearer</div>
communication would be if we had it<div style="exclamation-style:

Also, we need a standard meaning for smilies.  I can just see the RFC now...

InlineEmotionalUnit := "^" "o" ")"

  This sequence of  characters SHALL denote or  convey a feeling
  of confusion regarding the previously expressed emotional unit
  OR previously  conveyed message.  It SHALL ALSO  indicate that
  the person or persons transmitting  this unit are not entirely
  surprised by the content they are responding to.

  This may colloquially be  referred to as the "Spock" smilie or
  "Dry ORLY?" smilie.

  See section 3.4 paragraphs 9 through 12.

	-- Daniel

int getRandomNumber()
    return 4; // chosen by fair dice roll.
              // guaranteed to be random.


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