Mmrnmhrm 0.2.1 released

Bruno Medeiros brunodomedeiros+spam at
Sun Nov 4 07:38:43 PST 2007

torhu wrote:
> Bruno Medeiros wrote:
>> torhu wrote:
>>> Cool, problem fixed!  Btw, I think Descent's syntax highlighting 
>>> colors look much nicer than Mmrnmhrm's.
>> Possibly. I'm still not sure which options would be best (even if just 
>> as a default, since it's configurable). For one hand, I'd like 
>> something similar to JDT, like Descent has, but I would also like that 
>> keywords have a blue coloring. I'm open to suggestions in this regard.
> I think it's mostly that having three different colors for keywords is 
> bit too much that bothers me.  I don't mind the blue color, although 
> something like rgb(10, 36, 106) is a bit less heavy (notepad2's C++ 
> keyword color).
> But I think the defaults matter, the hideous default colors used by 
> codeblocks really puts me off trying to use it. ;)

3 colors for keywords? Well, that's because I wanted to have a coloring 
closer to semantics than syntax, so that's why there are different 
categories for pure keywords, native types, and literal keywords (like 
'true'). You can set them all to the same if you like. But I agree that 
the defaults need some refinement, especially with regards to the 
literals category.

Bruno Medeiros - MSc in CS/E student

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