a software used to learn D in China

z_axis z_axis at 163.com
Wed Nov 14 23:25:53 PST 2007

thanks for your suggestion !

> Syntax highlighting on the editor would be nice. The Scintilla control  
> has been ported several times. You could use one to have a better editor  
> embedded. What GUI library are you using?
yes, i have used scintilla in new version

> I think you should show the full command line used to compile the  
> program (dmd foo.d -debug -unittest...). That way the students will be  
> familiarized with the options of the DMD compiler. Which brings me to...
will be in next version

> I don't know if you can redistribute the DMD compiler like that. I think  
> Walter said something about not wanting redistribution of the compiler  
> to be able to track downloads. You should talk to Walter and ask him for  
> permission.
sorry ! i will do it immediately

> Overall I think this is a great way to introduce students to the  
> language. Have you considered translations? I could help you with a  
> Spanish version if you provide the English version.
up to now there is no english version. because it is hard for me to  
translate Chinese into English.
Maybe i will do it if i can find a good partner in China


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