DMD 2.006 release
Bill Baxter
dnewsgroup at
Tue Oct 16 10:52:12 PDT 2007
Bill Baxter wrote:
> Witold Baryluk wrote:
>> Dnia Tue, 16 Oct 2007 10:03:26 -0700
>> Walter Bright <newshound1 at> napisał/a:
>>> Strings are now invariant. More library overhauls, new library
>>> modules. These changes exacerbated problems with const/volatile, so
>>> next up is overhauling that.
>> Greate release!
>> (And three previous also :D)
>> But what is rational reason for this?
>> "Breaking change: std.stdio.writef can now only accept a format as its
>> first argument."
>> const/invariant problems, performance? Or it was too complicated?
>> I thing that writefln("a=%d", a, "b=%.3f", b);
>> is more readble than
>> writefln("a=%d b=%d", a, b);
>> (in some sense)
Nevermind, you're right. The changelog summary is worded poorly.
Looking at std.stdio the actual situation is:
"writef (and also writefln) only scans its first string argument for
format specifiers, but not subsequent string arguments."
That is too bad. I always thought the interspersed formats thing was a
cool feature of writef/writefln.
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