Function Hijacking article

Stewart Gordon smjg_1998 at
Thu Oct 18 14:17:24 PDT 2007

"Walter Bright" <newshound1 at> wrote in message 
news:ff8fi1$fs7$1 at
> Stewart Gordon wrote:
>> And I noticed that the requirement to specify the override attribute is 
>> neither implemented nor documented under attribute.html - what gives?
> It is documented in the function.html and attribute.html.

I still can't find it anywhere.

> It is implemented if you add the -w switch.

I see....

>> But if there's no chance of calling one intending the other, e.g.
>> class Qwert {
>>    void yuiop(int i)    { writefln("Qwert.yuiop: int %d", i); }
>>    void yuiop(string s) { writefln("Qwert.yuiop: string %s", s); }
>> }
>> class Asdfg : Qwert {
>>    override void yuiop(string s) { writefln("Asdfg.yuiop: string %s", 
>> s); }
>> }
>> should it still count?
> Yes, because Qwert can have a function which calls yuiop(int) with an 
> Asdfg instance.

I'm not with you.  How exactly does this render my example susceptible to 
the hijacking problem?


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